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Design patterns that serve as basic building blocks.


Simple jQuery plugin to show visual feedback when loading data or any action that would take time

Name Version License Repository
isLoading 1.0.6 MIT



Basic Loading:

This is the most basic setup. Just use $('selector').loader(); and you are done for the setup. When your action (data loading, etc…) is done, just call $('selector').loader('hide'); and you are done.




Load side element

This demo shows how to show the loading message inside the target.

$('selector').loader({ position: 'right' });

Load in element

This demo shows how to show the loading message inside the target.

$('selector').loader({ position: 'inside' });



Overlay on element

$('selector').loader({ position: 'overlay' });

Add a text in the loader

$('selector').loader({ text: 'Sending...' });

Disable some extra elements

If you want to disable some extra tags/input/etc… while the loading is active, you can use the disableOthers[] option.

  text: 'Sending',
  disableOthers: [
    $('#demo .form-control'),
    $('#demo .btn')


Name Type Default Description
position boolean block loader 출력 위치 및 형태 설정. block | right | inside | overlay 3 가지 사용 가능
text string null loader 출력시 표시되는 문구
theme string default Theme를 설정 할 수 있다.
tpl string
<span class="loader-wrapper %wrapper% %theme%"><i class="loader">Loading...</i>%text%</span>

Loader template

disableSource boolen true loader 출력시 주변 엘리먼트에 disabled attribute 또는 class를 추가
disableOthers Array [] 설정된 엘리먼트들에 disabled attribute 또는 class를 추가

Default options:

defaults = {
  'position': 'block',        // block | right | inside | overlay
  'text': '',                 // Text to display next to the loader
  'theme': 'default',    // loader CSS theme
  'tpl': '<span class="loader-wrapper %wrapper% %theme%"><i class="loader">Loading...</i>%text%</span>',
  'disableSource': true,      // true | false
  'disableOthers': []


Customized Loader

  .loader-overlay {...}
  .loader-overlay .loader-wrapper.myLoader {...}
  theme: 'myLoader',
  tpl: '..'

Loader in modal

$(".btn").tap(function() {

  $("#myModal p").html("");
  $("#myModal .content").loader({
    text:       "Loading...",
    position:   "overlay"

  setTimeout(function() {
    $("#myModal .content").loader("hide");
    $("#myModal p").html("Hello World");
    $.notify("Content Loaded")
  }, 1000);


Loader in Page

$(".btn").tap(function() {

  $('#page-target').page({start: "#page-start"});
  $("#page-target p").html("");
  $("#page-target .content").loader({
    text:       "Loading...",
    position:   "overlay"

  setTimeout(function() {
    $("#page-target .content").loader("hide");
    $("#page-target p").html("Hello World");
    $.notify("Content Loaded");
  }, 1000);
